With a packed audience of around 100 developers, we welcomed former Deputy Mayor Sir Edward Lister to the Carlton Club this week to be quizzed by our MD Richard Patient. Sir Edward was light hearted about the recent attacks from the new London Mayor on Boris Johnson’s record on housing and affordable housing, saying it was post-election banter. However, he warned that rigidity on the 50% affordable housing target would be unworkable, that he had used viability models unashamedly and that any affordable was better than none.
He also warned that, if Heathrow was selected after the referendum on June 23, the legal challenges would go on for years.
Sir Edward told the audience that he was proud of his record, and that where he had approved tall towers, it was in locations where it made sense to have them. He urged Sadiq Khan to concentrate on housing, and to become a ‘big tent’ Mayor working hand in hand with the councils across London.